
Quality Is Our Promise
We firmly believe that MOVNO offers the high-quality products on the market today. That’s why we offer a 15-day satisfaction guarantee from .

Returns and Exchanges

If you are not completely satisfied with your order, you may do so within 15 days of your order being shipped. You are also able to email us with any questions or concerns regarding your order. To be eligible for a return or exchange, an original order number is required.

Your item must be shipped back securely to our facility.

Any items requested for return that are not returned are not eligible for a refund or exchange. Every item returned must be sent back in its own box. Otherwise, the refund will not be fully processed.

Non-product quality issues: The product must be untouched, unused, in its original packaging and in the same condition as when it was shipped. There are no exceptions to this. Open boxes/bags/packages are not eligible for return. It must be returned to its original packaging and in no way damaged.

If it is the defect of the product itself, we promise to bear the return cost, if it is a personal subjective problem, please bear the return freight.

For items purchased during a "gift with purchase" promotion: All items must be returned for a full refund. If you'd like to keep the gifted item, we will adjust the refund amount less the value of the gift when possible. If requested, please return all items, including the gifted product, for a full refund.

For items purchased from a partner or third party: MOVNO is unable to provide refunds, replacements, or assist with purchases made from a partner or third party. Please reach out to the partner for their respective terms and conditions governing returns and exchanges.

Returns/exchanges can only be done in the country of purchase.

Refunds (if applicable) 

A refund will be issued once we have received your returned item(s). You will receive an email confirmation once your return has been processed. Please allow up to 3 business days. Any merchandise that is damaged when we receive it is not eligible for a refund. Refunds will be issued immediately once the merchandise has been confirmed. The refund will be issued via the original method of payment and the time it takes to be credited to your account will vary depending on the payment method.

Please note that all returns must be boxed for shipping, so we recommend that you keep the original packaging.